Stay here

This exclusive home is available for family and friends and per referrals only.
Minimum stay 8 days.
Maximum guests 4
Hondo Condo guest room +2

Work here

Possible options:
One bed-room, one office
Two bed-room, one office
detached guest room #HondoCondo
Movie production location per request.

Live here

You like to stay longer? Like for ever ever? Make us an offer we can't say no.

The House

This off-grid house has been built using a specific combination of researched and refined components and fittings to create environments that integrate with their sites, are sustainable and improve one’s relationship to the environment and landscape.

The interoir

The unique style is characterized by a monochromatic color palette, clean lines, minimalism, natural materials, and natural light. In defiance of it's modernizme style it's warm and welcoming.

A Million Dollar View

The huge boulders 5 acres property offers an undisturbed 240 view from the Bighorn Wilderness to the Joshua Tree national park.

Zero Carbon

Interested to learn more about off-grid energy-efficient dream house?
Check out the modernizm ECO Home interview.